Waterton Glacier Trails

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I have had the opportunity to view areas which experienced forest fires and have witnessed a tremendous rebirth of the forest out of the ashes of the burned old trees.  Watching this rebirth has been very exciting for me and as soon as possible, I would like to share this vision with as many people as possible.

“Waterton Trails: A Video Trail guide” is still available and does show the park in pre-fire condition.   It is my hope that I will be able to explore both parks for some time to come.

For several years, I have wandered the trails of both Waterton National Park in Canada and Glacier National Park in the United States and have always wanted to share the experiences.  To this end, I decided to use photographs and videos as a way to share the sights a person might expect to see on the trails of these incredible mountain parks.  

Waterton Glacier Trails

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